What Is Legacy Deprecation?

What is legacy deprecation? It’s a cost of technical debt. If you’re writing software, you will deprecate legacy software; it’s inevitable. First, I’ll classify legacy deprecation, then help you avoid it. Legacy Deprecation The act of deprecating legacy software. Let’s define each word separately to clarify. Legacy denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use: over half of respondents have cited integration with legacy systems as a problem....

Learning, Earning, and Growing

I complain about work sometimes. My wife knows I need a change as my complaints escalate, and so do I. However, I ground myself while reducing complaints by reflecting on reality. If I’m learning, earning, and growing, I ask why I’m complaining. If my complaints are valid and LEG is missing a letter, I consider alternatives. It’s a fun little homegrown formula I pulled out of my ass. I’m a software developer, entrepreneur, and hyper person with low attention....

How Do I Scrape Data From a Web Page?

How do I scrape data from a web page? I recently found that Facebook REALLY doesn’t want you to leave their platform. They don’t allow you to send a message to all your friends, so you need to get crafty to make an exit. How Do I Do It? If you’re using Google Chrome, it’s straightforward. There are many ways to scrape a web page, but I’m explaining a quick and dirty solution....

How Do I Use sqlite-utils?

How do I use sqlite-utils? It’s time to learn how to manage an SQLite database. I wrote up a tldr PR for sqlite-utils command, and here’s the usage with a person.db. sqlite-utils A command-line tool used to manipulate SQLite databases in several different ways. More information: https://sqlite-utils.datasette.io/en/stable/cli.html. Create a database sqlite-utils create-database person.db Create a table sqlite-utils create-table person.db people id integer name text height float photo blob --pk id Upsert a record...

A Blockchain Glossary

A blockchain glossary for programmers. Source: ISO 22739:2020(en)Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Vocabulary 0-9 A asset anything that has value to a stakeholder B block structured data comprising block data (3.3) and a block header block data structured data comprising zero or more transaction records or references to transaction records block header structured data that includes a cryptographic link to the previous block unless there is no previous block Note 1 to entry: A block header can also contain a timestamp, a nonce, and other DLT platform specific data, including a hash value of corresponding transaction records....