
Whiteboarding is a skill that I’ve neglected over the years. I’ve always preferred to articulate complex problems verbally, with digital documentation, and understandable code. While I’ve neglected it, I’ve been able to get through interviews and use a whiteboard to present my ideas and lines of code but not confidently. I need an update. I’ve started getting serious about learning how to whiteboard better, so my first step is to find my favorite markers....

Push declined due to email privacy restrictions on GitHub.

Push declined due to email privacy restrictions is an error you might receive if you push code to GitHub. This error occurs when. You have enabled the Block command line pushes that expose my email feature You have not set your noreply email as your global or local user.email value in your git config. To remedy this, run this script after finding your noreply email within the GitHub Email Settings....

MagicMirror, the digital display platform

MagicMirror is an open-source project used to create a customizable fullscreen display. I recently read Scott Hanselman’s article about building a Wall Mounted display for your home. I’ve had a Raspberry PI for a while, so I bought a Sceptre E205W-16003R 20" on Amazon for the screen. I also purchased a VideoSecu Tilt Rotation TV Monitor Wall Mount Bracket to mount a wall and rotate to portrait mode. The main configuration options I changed immediately were as follows....

Software Reliability -- Deadly Cut 2

Hello, this article is part of my Death by 1000 Cuts series that shines shine a light on glaring software development industry problems. I'm confident you'll find 1000 articles someday. Software reliability is supremely important. I told my wife that I would download something. I told her it would take 10 minutes. More than an hour later, I’m still downloading the file due to software bugs. I only wanted to download a file, that’s it, but asking for software reliability was too much to ask....

Lastpass to Bitwarden – Part 2

Lastpass went to the past. In my last article, Lastpass to Bitwarden - Part 1, I wrote about my decision to switch password managers. I’ve been using Bitwarden for the past several weeks, and here are my experiences with it. The desktop client is a bit clunky. For example, moving an entry to a new folder doesn’t let you drag and drop but instead makes you edit an entry then change the folder....