Learn Rendanheyi

The Basics Rendanheyi is a management model created within Haier that has slowly developed since 2005 and meets the needs of a world steeped in change. Due to their success, Europeans and Americans learned about this management model through acquisitions initiated by Haier. Rendanheyi has no direct English translation, but it loosely integrates people and goals. So why is a technical blogger talking about a business management model? I’m a big fan of all of the above, so a business model that embraces decentralization is an exciting topic....

How Do I Use Multiple GitHub Accounts?

How do I use multiple GitHub accounts on the same computer? When working on multiple projects from multiple clients this is a lifesaver. Create a new SSH key on macOS. (Try on other OSes; YMMV) ssh_key_gen() { if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [EMAIL] [KEY_NAME]" echo "1. Generate a key" echo "2. Copy the public key to the clipboard" return fi email="$1" key_name="$2" rsa_key_name="id_rsa_${key_name}" rsa_key_path="${HOME}/.ssh/${rsa_key_name}" ssh-keygen \ -t rsa \ -C "${email}" \ -f "${rsa_key_path}" \ cat "${rsa_key_path}....

Learn ECS

The Basics Amazon ECS, the Elastic Container Service, is an Amazon alternative to Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and HashiCorp Nomad. Amazon aims to make ECS as simple as possible to reduce the complexity of deploying container-based workloads. Under the hood, ECS runs docker on EC2 instances. Primary Use Cases Maximize EC2 compute resource usage Scalable deployment of container workloads Scalable batch processing Invalid Use Cases Simple web application or website hosting. Consider Amazon S3 or AWS Amplify instead....

A Disney Cruise Travel Review

A Disney Cruise travel review by Jeff Bailey My wife and daughter wanted a Disney Cruise for Christmas. It took me quite some time to agree to such a significant expense, but in the end, love and the promise of fond memories beat the bean counter in me. I’m glad the bean counter lost, and love prevailed. Here’s a recount of the five-night cruise experience. If you want to avoid spoilers and love surprises, skip links to videos....

Learn jq

The Basics The jq command-line JSON parser is a welcome tool in any programmer’s toolbelt. Use jq to parse JSON to simplify collecting essential information from JSON files. Primary Use Cases Parse JSON Query JSON Reformat parsed JSON Invalid Use Cases Parsing raw text and XML Parse A Remote File Install curl and install jq. Run this command to query a specific office name from offices.json. curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeffabailey/learn/main/tools/jq/offices.json | jq ....