Yet Another Productivity System

Yet another productivity system that won’t work for you! Maybe? I’ve chased the productivity pegasus my entire life. I’ve tried many focus techniques and failed fast. This time, It’ll be different. 🤞 Why? I have ADHD; I must calm the beast. Achievement and data are my drugs. I feel the need, the need for speed. I have 999 problems. I solve my problems by creating two new problems as a distraction....

Open Source Web Clipper

Open source web clipper?! Yes, it’s true, there is such a thing, and it’s fantastic. I’ve been using Evernote for a couple of years, and I’ve found it to be less than ideal. It has many features I like, but it’s trying to do too many things. I’ve also used OneNote and Notion and find they try too hard. I appreciate the simplicity of tools like the open-source web clipper....

Dendron And GitJournal

I had a task to check out Roam notes. I finally got around to completing the task, and I’m glad I did. As I was researching, I ran into Dendron, which is similar to Roam, and I’m hooked. Roam costs money, I don’t need another bill, and in fact, I’m trying to dump Evernote. Roam is double the cost of Evernote, so that’s a non-starter. Dendron is free, and it fills my requirements for note-taking....

Learn Design Systems

The Basics Learn design systems for fun and profit! A Design System is a set of interconnected patterns and shared practices coherently organized to aid in digital product design and development of products such as apps or websites. It may contain but is not limited to pattern libraries and design language, style guides, coded components, brand language, and documentation. As I wrote this article, I realized that Design System is a very loaded phrase....

A Pragmatic Programmer Book Review

I really like this book. As a programmer that has been at it since the 20th century, this book codifies my experiences. As I read through the book, I find myself nodding my head and agreeing more often than not. It’s almost like reading daily affirmations that hammer instinctual best practices home like a nail gun. Summary The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master is a book about computer programming and software engineering, written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas and published in October 1999....