Learn Java

The Basics Learn Java for fun and profit! Java has been around a long time; on May 23, 1995, Java was born. It’s a mature language with a deep library bench that allows a programmer to create anything they would ever want to build. Java software runs on Google’s Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, game consoles, and scientific supercomputers. There are plentiful resources for learning Java, and now we have another....

Learn Software Design Patterns

The Basics Learn design patterns to accelerate software development. Design patterns help you solve a problem with many software languages and frameworks. A design pattern considers languages and frameworks as its components. Each design pattern is a three-part rule expressing a relationship between a specific context, problem, and solution. It is a solution to a recurring problem within a specific context. graph LR A[Three Part Rule] --> B[Context] A --> C[Problem] A --> D[Solution] High-quality patterns define the consequences of using them and work with many languages and frameworks....

Learn How To Prioritize

The Basics Learn how to prioritize for fun and profit! Prioritization is challenging for me. I’ve struggled with it for years. I have ADHD, so my prioritization struggles center on my desire to do all the things. Beyond that, I have many competing interests, my family and a house that needs attention. To continually improve my prioritization skills, I use the following methods. First Things First As Kenny Rodgers said, know when to fold ’em....

Learn Color Theory

The Basics Learn Color Theory for fun and profit! Do you like math, art, and the pursuit of balance? If so follow along as the highlights of Color Theory are revealed. Primary Use Cases Communicate effectively with your audience Super-charge the aesthetics of your design project Add harmony to your creations Data visualization in diagrams, chart, and graphs Use The Right Tool Color theory provides a couple of primary ways of managing your color....

Learn Data Visualization

The Basics Learn Data Visualization for fun and profit! Data isn’t useful without a way to visualize it. In the Information Age, your ability to present compelling data is an asset worth sharing. We’re dealing with an assault on our senses with the sheer amount of data coming our way. Data Visualization is often an art form though there are ways to pick the best widget. Primary Use Cases Why would you want to visualize data?...