Salary Negotiation for Programmers

Salary negotiation for programmers isn’t much different than any other job. I ran into this question on Quora, so I started answering it there; this is an extension of that post specifically for programmers. If an interviewer asks me what I am expecting as my salary, what should I answer? — Quora Ask for what you need and fits market rates for your prospective position. Ask yourself these questions. How much money do I need to save for retirement and pay the bills?...

Learn AWS Amplify

The Basics AWS Amplify is a command-line utility that generates web and mobile applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers. It is written in node and requires NodeJS. My recommendation is to use nvm to install NodeJS if you’re installing NodeJS for the first time. Use Cases You posted your app idea on Craigslist, but no developers are willing to work for free, so you’ll do it yourself! You want to create a proof of concept application quickly....

How do I use email?

How do I use email? Email is ubiquitous, and many of us have our methods for taming our inboxes. I won’t add to the legion of how-to articles specific to using email clients. I will explain my approach to keeping my inbox clean in the following paragraphs. My system applies to any email client and applies to anyone that uses email. I am not saying any of my methods are rocket science....

A Software Development Philosophy

A software development philosophy guides software developer careers. Some adhere to prevailing philosophies in books or code, and some invent a unique software worldview. My philosophical influences come from Lean Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), The Agile Software Development Lifecycle, Developer Operations (DevOps), Observability, and many more. Here’s my software development philosophy. I encourage you to write yours and join the conversation. Invest Lightly I avoid getting too wrapped up in details when using technology....

How to highlight text on a web page

How to highlight text on a web page with a few easy steps for you and your friend’s sanity. Google is working on a web standard for this feature. If it gains traction, you may see this feature in other browsers. Please note that this feature now exists as a Google Chrome flag. It is unnecessary to install this extension unless you’re using an out-of-date version of Google Chrome. Edit this setting:...