What Is Legacy Deprecation?

What is legacy deprecation? It’s a cost of technical debt. If you’re writing software, you will deprecate legacy software; it’s inevitable. First, I’ll classify legacy deprecation, then help you avoid it. Legacy Deprecation The act of deprecating legacy software. Let’s define each word separately to clarify. Legacy denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use: over half of respondents have cited integration with legacy systems as a problem....

Learning, Earning, and Growing

I complain about work sometimes. My wife knows I need a change as my complaints escalate, and so do I. However, I ground myself while reducing complaints by reflecting on reality. If I’m learning, earning, and growing, I ask why I’m complaining. If my complaints are valid and LEG is missing a letter, I consider alternatives. It’s a fun little homegrown formula I pulled out of my ass. I’m a software developer, entrepreneur, and hyper person with low attention....

Missing Context – Deadly Cut 6

Hello, this article is part of my Death by 1000 Cuts series that shines shine a light on glaring software development industry problems. I'm confident you'll find 1000 articles someday. Introduction Missing context plagues both prose and code. Both writers and programmers have difficulty setting context. I’m guilty of cutting things short in the name of efficiency. I recently presented Structurizr and PlantUML without specifying the context for my team and dove directly to the code & tools....

Big Tech

Big Tech has been getting a lot of press lately. Let me start by saying I’m not in the mood to complain. I’m tired of the negative news & discourse I’ve been reading recently, so I’m mixing it up. It’s easy to throw Big Tech under the bus. Sure, we need to address severe issues with centralized systems, but overall, things are pretty great. **Let’s think about it. ** If it weren’t for Big Tech:...

Technology Know-It-Alls – Deadly Cut 5

Hello, this article is part of my Death by 1000 Cuts series that shines shine a light on glaring software development industry problems. I'm confident you'll find 1000 articles someday. Technology Know-It-Alls are not pleasant company. Sure, it’s nice that they are a wealth of information, but they can stop with the nitpicking already. Knowing everything is impossible, and especially in the software industry. There are so many languages & frameworks that you could spend your entire life learning....